Category Archives: Computers & Internet

Memory Card Guide

Flash Card Memory

Portable memory sticks and cards are available in a variety of different formats. Different memory cards and sticks are required for different data storage applications.

Hundreds of millions of Flash Memory drives are bought across the globe each year, with many of these sticks and cards not being ideal for their intended usage.

Taking a few moments to assess your storage needs before making a purchase will allow you to make an informed choice and as a result you will end up with a better Continue reading Memory Card Guide

Secrets To Top Google Rankings

SEO Optimization Introduction

Before you improve your SEO rankings, you need to establish why your site isn’t currently ranking very well.

Do you know which Google algorithm has affected your rankings? Panda and Penguin are very different. The Google Penguin algorithm was launched around the 24th April 2012 and deals with ‘off-page’ link related SEO, so traffic drops near this date indicate that Continue reading Secrets To Top Google Rankings